Saturday, July 7, 2012

BN title!

Last weekend we had a show in Jackson MS.This trial had four shows in two days, and I entered Joey three times, two times on Saturday, and once on Sunday.
This was our first time competing in BN so I was pretty nervous.

We got there Friday evening and Saturday morning bright and early, I was outside the starting gate with Joey trying to calm my show jitters. I hate show jitters! Our first run was pretty embarrassing, I caught my self talking to Joey then got so nervous about over talking that I missed the slow sign in the heeling. After getting a RA title with Joey, I couldn't believe I messed up my first BN run by missing a sign! Anyway, We managed to Qualify with a second place and a score of 186. However, the person who won had a score of 187, so I felt a little better. 

Our second run was a little better, this time I was confident about the pattern, and did not over talk but Joey was tired of competing and he lagged in the heeling and the figure eight. We Qualified and won second place with a score of 193. My mom and her dog beat me by two points. 

The Third run was the best one. This time everything went smoothly and the only trouble we had was Joey lagging on the inside circles of the figure eight. Surprise! Joey had been lagging on the outside circle so we had worked on that like crazy, then we compete and he lags on the inside circle. But that was probably my fault. We finally won first place with a score of 198 and earn our BN title. The best thing was I did not get nervous on this run!

This weekend was I learned not to run Joey more than twice a day because he gets tired, I also learned to bring a camera battery charger. My dumb camera ran out of battery on the way up to Jackson. For my final lesson, I learned not to mess with deleting items on the video camera.(I accidentally deleted all the Saturday videos. My runs,  my sister's runs, and my mom's Saturday runs.) Oops, that's one way to get your family mad at you. Clearly not a great technological weekend for me. However, once back home I did get a picture of Joey and his ribbons.

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Life With Joey by Noa Bender is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.