It been a while since the agility Trial but I thought I'd post our last two agility scores before I forgot.
Saturday was the Standard Novice run. Joey didn't Q because of the chute. This is the second time we've missed a standard run because of the chute. I don't really know how to practice for it, because Joey does the chute perfectly at home. I don't know if it the bright yellow color of the chute (ours is dark blue), or the dog house frame around the chute, or if Joey is just nervous because of the new location. What I really need to do is find a chute I can let Joey run through that looks like the chutes at the trial, but I'm not sure where to find one.
Sunday was another JWW run and we Qualified again! It was a 35.11 sec run because we had to redo the weaves, but Joey did really well again. So we have two JWW legs now!
Now that the rush of agility practicing is over, we are practicing some Utility but mostly Open exercises. I will be competing in Open A Obedience at the Maltese Specialty in Orlando FL, on the 1st of May. We will also be competing in Rally Excellent B, but I'm not so worried about Rally.